Eric Esser
Eric Esser was born in 's-Hertogenbosch on 18 March 1985, and lives in 's-Hertogenbosch. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 407 days in total.
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“Climate agreements don’t help factory workers”
As a metal worker, I’m all too familiar with the chasm between factory workers and politics. People working in factories feel that they have been abandoned by politicians: while the cost of living keeps creeping up, other people get to benefit from our taxes. Tax money spent on electric cars or heat pumps does not help factory workers.
Green roof incentives
Climate agreements have interfered with the free market: the rich get richer, but the poor get poorer. That’s why I have nicknamed climate agreements rich richer/poor poorer agreements in the past. Just take green roof incentives. They are pointless for people who live in tower blocks and do not have their own roof. All those people have nothing to gain from climate agreements.
Lijst Den Bosch
I started volunteering for the PVV in Den Bosch back in 2006, in an attempt to move up the list. It's how I got on the list for the House of Representatives. I’d never thought I’d be elected MP as number 29 on the list, but it just goes to show that you never know what will happen.
Pub football
I play pub football in Noord-Brabant in a competition with 9 clubs. After the match, we all go to the pub for a beer. I think it’s very important to make time to relax and enjoy yourself.