Coalition agreement presented

On 29 October 2012 the leader of the liberal Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), Mr Mark Rutte and the leader of the Labour Party (PvdA), Mr Diederik Samsom, presented the so-called coalition agreement.

On 29 October 2012 the leader of the liberal Party for Freedom and Democracy (VVD), Mr Mark Rutte and the leader of the Labour Party (PvdA), Mr Diederik Samsom, presented the so-called coalition agreement. The coalition agreement is an arrangement between coalition parties VVD and PvdA. Its motto is "Building bridges".


Three pillars

The new VVD/PvdA-Cabinet is based on the three pillars of "getting the public finances in order, share and share alike, and sustainable growth". That is what VVD-leader Mark Rutte said at the presentation of the coalition agreement.


Rutte-Asscher Cabinet

PvdA-leader Diederik Samsom announced that alderman Lodewijk Asscher from Amsterdam is candidate to become vice-Prime Minister.